Bellis perennis
NL: Madelief - F: Pâquerette

This lovely little plant decorates our grass fields with their white flowers. It is perennial and the bees simply love it. Its leaves, flower buds and petals are edibles, raw or cooked. With their pleasant sour flavour they are great additions to salads, sandwiches and soups.

It is rich in vitamin C, calcium and magnesium.

This little plant can be extremely useful in first aid situations due to its wide range of applications combined with its abundant availability.

The leaves can be used in ointments (or simply freshly squeezed) to help healing bruises, cuts and wounds.

Its aerial parts have been used as a blood purifier and in the treatment of complaints of the respiratory tract, rheumatic pains, arthritis, liver and kidney disorders or heavy menstruation.

Chewing the fresh leaves can relieve mouth ulcers. Daisies also have a reputation for effectiveness in treating breast cancers. An infusion of the leaves can also be used as insect repellent spray.

The link bellow takes you to a video with additional information on daisies:

Sergei Boutenko - wild daisies - from

I also must share this lovely 30 seconds video - a time lapse of daisies opening up in the morning:

Time Lapse English Daisy