Malva sylvestris
 NL: Kaasjeskruid - F: Mauve

This plant is again one of the great pioneers that comes in quickly to cover the soil when it has been left bare. Its leaves and flowers can be found from March to October, and they are delicious to eat raw, but you may also cook them. Personally I always prefer to leave the flowers to the bees, who simply love them!

After the flowers have lost their power and are about to fall on the ground, I gather them, let them dry in the shade and use them in my first aid kit to prepare salves or poultices for healing wounds, insect bites, bruises, skin inflammations. Of course, if one needs a remedy for wounds, bruises, bites or cuts and can find fresh mallow available, even better!

Malva parviflora
Mallows are a great source of calcium and magnesium. They also contain potassium, iron, selenium, and vitamins A and C.

Mallow’s healing qualities come mainly from the mucilaginous substances present in leaves, flowers and root. Seeds are also edible and have a nutty taste. I prefer to use them to get new plants, but it is good to keep in mind that they can also be great source of protein, in case of emergency.

All parts of the plant, fresh or dried, are suitable for teas, having a very mild taste. It has great expectorant and emollient properties and can therefore be a good remedy to treat coughs, colds, bronchitis and inflammation of the throat. It also helps to relieve problems in the digestive tract, improving intestinal function, even acting as a mild laxative.

The young leaves

The disciples of Pythagoras considered this as a holy plant.

Great videos on youtube to help recognize mallow:

Growingyourgreens - video on recognizing and eating mallow.

Feralkevin shares his knowledge on edible mallow.

Difference between mallow and ground ivy

Here you will find a detailed course on this plant:

Malva neglecta: Survival Plants Memory Course