Diplotaxis tenuifolia
NL: Grote zandkool / F: Roquette sauvage

Wild rocket is another super food that you can find growing spontaneously on your garden or even on sidewalks. From the family of broccoli and cabbages, it has a great taste and it can perfectly be eaten raw, in salads or pesto. In its raw form it preserves most of its antioxidant phytochemicals which protect the liver, help the body to detox from chemicals and heavy metals and it enhances our immune system and our protection against cancer, Alzheimer and other degenerative diseases.

I’ve always been a big fan of this salad green but what inspired me to post this now was to find a large amount of it growing healthily through a crack on the sidewalk near where I live.

 One could write an entire book about the health benefits of this plant and its nutritional richness. It contains, for instance, a lot of vitamin C, A, K, calcium, magnesium, iron and copper. This is indeed one of the healthiest vegetable one can ever find in nature (or easily grow it yourself).

My favorite recipe with it is to blend a large portion of wild rocket with apple juice, fresh mint and pineapple.

More on arugula:

5 Things you need to know about the health benefits of arugula

Healthy Cooking: Arugula